4. Vocabulary Instruction – 2nd
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Vocabulary Instruction – 2nd
Grade Level: Second Grade
School: McKinley Elementary School
Location: Tacoma, Washington
Materials: Wolf! By Becky Bloom
Videographer: Dima Yaremenko
Elapsed Time: 7:54
The students have listened to the read aloud book, Wolf! by Becky Bloom. During the reading of the book, brief explanations of words were given. Three words were selected for explicit, robust vocabulary instruction: concentrate, impressed, and educated.
Focus: As you watch this video, ask yourself:
1) What instructional steps were used to introduce each of the vocabulary words?
2) What other good instructional practices did you observe?
- 1. What instructional steps were used to introduce each of the vocabulary words?
These instructional steps were used:
- a. Introduce the word.
- Write the word on the board or show it on a screen.
- Pronounce the word or guide students in using their decoding skills to determine the pronunciation of the word.
- Have students pronounce the word, repeating the word a number of times if the word is unfamiliar or difficult to pronounce.
- b. Provide a student-friendly explanation of the word.
- Be sure that the definition contains only known words and is easy to understand.
- c. Illustrate with examples.
- The examples can be concrete, visual, or verbal.
- Verbal examples were used to illustrate concentrate, impressed, and educated.
- d. Check students’ understanding.
- Use one of these methods:
- Ask “deep processing questions”.
- Have students discern between examples and non-examples.
- Have students generate examples.
- 2. What other good instructional practices did you observe?
The instructor:
- a. Actively involved the students in the instruction using:
- Group responses (choral responses) when the answers were short and the same.
- Partner responses when the answers were long or different.
- Partner responses followed by individual turns.
- Thumbs up to indicate that they had an answer.
- b. Enriched the vocabulary instruction by:
- Infusing decoding in presentation of words by having students read the long words by parts.
- Involving the students in the examples.
- Providing multiple exposures to each word.
- Relating the words to their use in the read aloud book.
- Reviewing words at the end with simple word associations.
- Suggesting ways that the words could be used.
c. Coached students during partner responses allowing students to experience success when they answered in front of classmates.
NOTE: In the video entitled Read Aloud – Wolf 2nd, the students participate in the reading of the book, Wolf! After the read aloud, students are taught three words from the story as shown in this video.